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Year 6 SATs Revision



              Year 6 SATs Revision

We hope that this page provides everything that you need to help you with your revision.  If there is anything else that you would like, or that you think would be useful, please let us know so that we can add it.


Important dates 2025:

Monday 12th May - Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar - Paper 1

                               - Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar - Paper 2 (Spelling)

Tuesday 13th May - English Reading

Wednesday 14th May - Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)

                                     - Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)

Thursday 15th May - Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning)


Revision Folders:

Here are copies of the things that you have been given in your personal revision folder:


Need a break?

Other English Revision Resources:

Spelling - these are both websites that we are used to using lots:


Spelling - this is the game we played to help with double consonants.  It uses words from previous SATs spelling tests:


BBC Bitesize - The Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling section is most likely to be useful for revision.  Make sure you click on the Y6 tab. 


Rollama - The llama-themed grammar, punctuation and spelling website, full of games to play:


BBC Bitesize Crystal Explorers -


Gameshow Quiz: The Punctuation Game - We have played this in lessons and a few of you have requested that we put the link for it here:


Synonyms and Antonyms - 



Active and Passive Voice (by Zombies!) - This is the video we used in our English lesson to help us remember the difference between the active and passive voice:

How to use a smemi-colon

Present perfect tense video.mp4

Still image for this video

Other Maths Revision Resources:


'How To' videos:

Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 -  This video was made for home learning but is still useful as a reminder.

Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 -  This video was made for home learning but is still useful as a reminder.

Long Division -


'How To' images:




Corbett Maths Primary - A fantastic website.  Many of the resources can be printed, but could also be looked at on screen with

                                          practise being done on paper.

5-a-day: 5 questions to practise every day at different levels.  Perfect for practising some arithmetic and reasoning each day.

Videos:  Videos to explain how to tackle different skills, followed by questions to answer.

Worksheets:  These link to the videos mentioned above.

Quizzes:  Link to Kahoot quizzes.


MathsBot (Y6 Arithmetic Practice) - This is another brilliant website: 

You can either practise all of the question types, or you can select the types of questions you find tricky.

  • To select question types, click on the question number.  (You can select more than one question at a time.)
  • Next, click 'New', and the questions that match the types you selected will appear.  (If there are too many, you can change the number of questions in the drop down box at the top, then click 'New' again.)
  • To return to the original set of questions, click 'Reset'.
  • Whichever page you are on, to change the questions to a new set, simply click 'New'.
  • You can check your answers once you have finished by clicking 'Answers'.


My Maths -


When you log in, click on 'Practice', then on 'Boosters' just underneath it.


On the first page there is a set of Y6 booster activities.  On the second page, there is a set of KS2 SATs activities.






IXL - A fantastic website.  You can pick an area to work on, look at examples or explanations and also answer some example questions.  To use the website for free, you are limited to a certain number of questions, but it's definitely worth looking at every now and then.


BBC Bitesize - A great website.  Again, you can choose an area to look at.  There are videos, explanations and short quizzes to help you.  (Make sure you have Y6 selected.)


Guardians of Mathematica - Our new favourite game!


16 Weeks of SATs Arithmetic - Vocabulary Ninja - As we get closer to SATs, this playlist is being added to each week.  There are videos to help you with the different question types on the Arithmetic paper, with examples from previous papers.  (We know that Vocabulary Ninja resources are always good, but you may be shown a slightly different way than what we do in school.  If in doubt, please ask us.  We will try to watch them, so that we can recommend the best ones.)


Maths Is Fun - This site is really good at explaining things and gives you practice questions at the bottom of each page.


Topmarks - You can search for games that link to specific areas of Maths.  Look out for the age range underneath all games.  It will give you a good idea of how useful it is.


Times Tables




MathsBot - Find the Primes -  Great for checking your understanding of prime numbers!  You can adjust the time you are given for each round in the drop down box.  Which level can you get to?


Telling the Time  A useful website to help you practise reading an analogue clock, a 12-hour digital clock and a 24-hour digital clock.


Missing Angles game -  Scroll down to play the game.  Once in the game menu, the first 5 game types will help you with what we've learned.


Reflection - If you want to practise your ability to reflect shapes, this will help:


Ooodle -  We know some of you love this game.  It's great for practising BODMAS, but remember, this is only part of your revision.


Maths With A Mouse -  Lots of this is useful, but remember to be careful and choose games that will help you revise Y6 Maths.  For example, if playing the coordinates game, make sure you select coordinates in 4 quadrants instead of 1.

Need another break?


