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Weekly Homework

Homework is a very important part of life in Y6 because it will help to support the learning you are doing in school. We expect you all to complete your homework every week. However, if you need any help, please make sure you ask us. Just remember to do this before the day that your homework is due in!


English and Maths homework will be given out weekly on a Friday.  We will discuss homework activities with the children and will also put details of these on the class pages.


Date set: Friday 14th February

Date due in / date to be completed: After half-term


English - 


Maths - Practise your times tables ready for a test in the second week after half-term.


Ongoing homework:

As well as the weekly homework that you are set, please make sure you continue to:

  • Read regularly.  You can read to an adult, but you can also read to yourself.  Remember, you should be reading something that you enjoy.  This could be a book, a graphic novel, a comic, an e-book, or information on a website.
  • Practise 5 (or more) key word spellings a week - you have a list of the words that you need to learn at home.
  • Play TTRS for at least 10 minutes across the week.