Year 1 - Lavender
Dear Lavender Class,
Thank you for visiting our class page. On this page you will find:
1. Parent messages
2. E-safety information and our class rules
3. Website links to help with home learning
4. Information on topics covered in class along with weblinks to support these
Please come back every week to look at our 'Week in a nutshell' and 'This week ask me about' posts. These will help you to support your child with all the learning we are doing each week and reinforce what they learn at school with some simple things you can do at home. :)
Mrs Juziuk
Our week in a nutshell 9.12.24
Addition and Subtraction assessment - these are some of the methods and representations children are working with in Maths. These skills will be assessed this week as a part of our end -of-term assessments.
This week ask me about .....Week beginning 9th December 2024
PS Please remember your e-safety rules before clicking on any of the internet links on this page. More information about our Lavender e-safety rules are below. For other information on how to stay safe, visit the main school e-safety page.