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Parent information

Parents Section

Parent Messages


  1. Please remember to download our Balliol school app.
  2. PE is on Thursday. Children come to school wearing their kits. Kits are a white t-shirt, black or blue shorts or jogging bottoms, plimsoles or trainers, plain black or blue sweatshirt or school jumper. 
  3. Children need to bring a water bottle each day. Please ensure that only water is placed in this and not squash or juice.
  4. Please remember that if children wear earrings, these need to be small stud ones. Hooped earrings are not allowed due to health and safety. 
  5. Espresso which supports learning across the curriculum can be accessed at with the username: student4307 and the password: espresso
  6. Please check the newsletter section of the school website for our latest updates.
  7. Please look at the base of the class page to see our weekly class diary.
  8. You can find out what we have been learning about in class and how you can continue the learning at home via fun website links. 
  9. If you need anything additional, please email me using

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