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Class Information

General Class Information


  • Class Teacher: Mrs Juziuk
  • Other adults in Lavender class: Mr Pope, Miss Venables, Mrs Hussain
  • PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Sometimes it will be in the hall and sometimes it will be outside. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit. Children will stay in their PE kits all day long.
  • English homework in Year One is daily reading.
    • Please try to write in your child's reading diary when you hear them read at home.
  • Maths homework in Year One is set through the My Maths website.
    • I will let your child know when another task has been set
  • Please remember that water bottles should only contain water


For more information about how to help your child at home, please visit our Key Stage One Curriculum page or click on the home learning links back on the main Lavender class page:
