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Homework Information


  • CGP books
    • Children have a Maths and a Grammar homework book. Both of these will be given out each Friday and children will be responsible for writing their page numbers in before taking them home again. Please ensure children do not complete more pages than the ones listed! These books must be returned to school on the following Friday ready for marking and going home again.
  • Reading
    • Children will take their reading book and reading record home each day. These must be returned to school in the morning ready for each day. If you hear your child read at home, please sign and add a comment into the reading record. If your child is on Accelerated Reader, has read their book twice and is ready to quiz then please remind them to let an adult know in school so this can be completed.
  • Maths
    • Optional games and tasks are available on MyMaths and login details were sent home in a letter at the beginning of the year.
    • Children are working towards their Silver times tables award (3s, 4s and 8s) and should frequently use TTRockstars to help them. TTRockstars logins were sent home in the letter at the start of the year and the use of TTRockstars at home will be checked online. If children have not yet achieved their Bronze times tables award (2s, 5s and 10s) then they should work towards completing this.
  • Spellings
    • Children should practise their Year 3 and Year 4 common exception words regularly. These are shown below and were included in the letter sent home on the first day. Similarly, if children are not yet confident with their Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words, then regular opportunities to work on these at home should be encouraged.

Year 1 Words

Year 2 Words

Year 3/4 Words

Year 5/6 Words

Number Formation
