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General Class Information

Useful Class Information

Class Teacher: Mrs Dimbleby

Other adults working with Year 6: Mrs Ganson, Ms Sutton and Miss Parker.


Contacting me

If you need to contact me, you can email me using  You can also leave a message at the school office and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


School Uniform

We expect the children to be in full school uniform (when not wearing their PE kit.)  Please ensure that they have their ties with them and are also wearing plain black school shoes or plain black trainers.


PE - Monday and Tuesday

Children should come to school in their school PE kits on these days. As the weather is uncertain, the children need to bring extra layers such as tracksuit bottoms, leggings or jogging bottoms and jumpers or zip-up tops. These should be plain black or navy.



As last year, the children will have their own planner for recording homework and other important information.  Most of the local secondary schools use planners, so this is a really good way to help them prepare for Year 7 and beyond.  Please sign the planner at the end of each week; this will be checked in school every Monday morning.


Mobile Phones

If your child walks to or from school on their own and you would like them to have their mobile phone with them, that is fine.  When the children arrive at school, phones will be collected and stored in a secure place in the classroom. Children will be able to collect these before going home at the end of the day. Please note, the mobile phone remains the responsibility of your child at all times.
