English Help
Reading in Year 6
In Year 6, we want you to LOVE reading and read books which you ENJOY reading and WANT to read. We have lots of brilliant books in the classroom and there are also great books within the school which you can borrow.
Remember to record the books that you have read on your personal 'Reading Bookshelf' sheet, recommend books to others that you have really enjoyed and ask an adult to photocopy the spine of the book to add to our 'Reading Pile'.
Parents and carers: we encourage the children to bring books home; even those available in the classroom. We do however ask the children to look after these books and return them once they have finished, as many of them have been bought specifically for the class.
This is perfect for practising your reading comprehension: https://readtheory.org/auth/login
What to read after...
This is a great website to help you find recommended reads. You can put the name of books or authors you really like in the search bar and search for other books that you might like based on what you have already read.
If your favourite author or set of books is on this map, follow the correct 'tube line' for suggestions of other books that you might like.
Author A-Z - Another fabulous resource, focusing on authors perfect for Y5 & Y6. This was made by @Misterbodd and introduces you to authors, some of their books and books by similar authors.
Spellings in Year 6
Whichever spellings you are working on, this website is really useful: https://spellingframe.co.uk/
You can click on the year groups you want to. Scroll down towards the bottom of the page to practise the words from our word lists.
Another useful website is: http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/spookySpellings/index.html
You can click on the year groups you want to, then click on the books in the background to select different words.
Here are some useful websites which may help you with your English revision:
Read Theory - This is perfect for practising your reading comprehension.
Trapped (Nouns and Adjectives) - Can you escape from the forbidden chamber?
Trapped (Punctuation) - Three punctuation games where you need to punctuate paragraphs and sentences to gain the Key of Freedom to escape from the tower. Are you up for the challenge?
Prefixes and Suffixes - A game where you need to choose prefixes and suffixes to make new words. http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/4762
Antonym Splat - Can you find all of the antonyms (opposites) in this game?
BBC Bitesize - A great website. Choose an area to look at; there are videos, explanations and short quizzes to help you.