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Parents Section
Parent Messages
- Please remember to download our Balliol school app.
- PE days are Monday and Thursday. Children come to school wearing their kits. Kits are a white t-shirt, black or blue shorts or jogging bottoms, plimsoles or trainers, plain black or blue sweatshirt or school jumper.
- Children need to bring a water bottle each day. Please ensure that only water is placed in this and not squash or juice.
- Please remember that if children wear earrings, these need to be small stud ones. Hooped earrings are not allowed due to health and safety.
- My maths login details will be sent home during the first autumn term. If you lose your login details, please let me know so I can print you off another letter.
- Espresso which supports learning across the curriculum can be accessed at with the username: student4307 and the password: espresso
- Please check the newsletter section of the school website for our latest updates.
- Please look at the base of the class page to see our weekly class diary.
- You can find out what we have been learning about in class and how you can continue the learning at home via fun website links.
- If you need anything additional, please email me using
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