School Clubs
Over the course of each year, staff run a wide range of extra-curricular activities. These may include:
- Stay and Play
- Football
- Dance
- Drama
- Art
- Homework Club
- Gymnastics
- Cricket
Breakfast Club and After School Club
Dawn 'Til Dusk are pleased to announce the arrival of their fifth site at Balliol Primary School which opened in September 2014.
They provide before and after school care in Pear Tree Children's Centre, with lots of exciting activities outdoors including:
- Forest school activities
- Building dens
- Lots of outside equipment
They have theme nights which follow the children's interest and when indoors, the children are able to play on Nintendo DS, Wii and an Xbox. There is much, much more for the children to do outdoors too.
Should you wish to book sessions at the club:
Please call the setting on 07557981481 (between 7.30 - 8.45am and 3pm-6pm) or the Office 01234 930505 (between 9am and 4pm)