Reception - Bluebell
Welcome back Bluebells
I hope you have had a lovely break. I look forward to seeing you on Monday, June 3rd, to continue your learning in the final part of the Summer term.
Our next topic will be On the beach. We will be looking at beaches, what creatures we can find under the sea and other exciting things beach-related.
Enjoy the rest of your break!
Email address
Kind reminder. Hopefully the weather will be warming up now. Please can we ask that children have sun cream applied on the warmer days. Hats, water bottles at school everyday and all your child's belongings are labelled.
This will ensure the items are returned to the correct child. |
Meet the Staff in Reception
Mrs Neal - Bluebell Class Teacher
Mrs Juziuk - Buttercup Class Teacher
Mrs Robson - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Dix - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Hussain - Teaching Assistant
Mr Pardeep - Teaching Assistant
W/C 10/6/24 We had so much fun talking about our favourite frozen treats. Then we decorated our own wooden ice lollies and ice creams. I think you would agree they look delicious!
This week in our Literacy lesson we created our own acrostic poem with the word 'OCEAN' to tie in with our 'On the beach' topic. We had lots of giggles and fun doing this.
Parent information.
Dear Parent/Carer
It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school after the Christmas break. They have been very busy getting used to new routines and learning new skills.
We just have a couple of reminders:
The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:30pm
P.E. - will be on a Monday so children need to come to school in their P.E. kits.
P.E. kits consist of:
- White t-shirt and black or navy blue shorts/ leotard
- Plimsoles/trainers
- Tracksuits for colder weather
- Please remove ear piercings for all PE lesson
Please remember to bring a water bottle to school every day; it is separate from their lunch juice and contains only water.
Please remember to name all items of clothing, bags, water bottles, lunch bags, hats
Please continue to support your child in holding and using cutlery when eating.
Please also support your child in recognising and writing their name.
Many Thanks
Reception Team
Ways to help support your children's learning.
Watch the tricky word songs on YouTube for phase 2 and 3
Then practice writing your tricky words
Phase 2 Tricky Words and Sight Words Song - YouTube
Phase 3 Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To - YouTube
Share the stories with your child.
Talk about the pictures.
Encourage your child to share what they think will happen next.
Can you count things around you?
What two numbers make 5 and 10?
Match objects to numerals.
Many Thanks
Reception Team
Internet Safety resources
Mrs Evans reads The Colour Monster

Tricky Words

3D Shapes

Return to school parent support guide
Useful Web activities to support learning at home
Including Maths, Science, Computing, History and Geography
Useful Web activities to support learning at home
Including Literacy