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Pre-School - Daisy

Hi everyone welcome to our class page. Its been lovely meeting our new families and we look forward to working together in the coming months. On this page I will be posting regular updates about our topic and what we have been doing in the classroom each week. There will also be ideas to try out at home. If you need to contact me at any time please email me at

Take a virtual tour of our classroom!

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15.01.21  Hi everyone here is a little song and story for you. We hope you enjoy them.

Dear Zoo and Polar bear song

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Mrs Dalton 5 little monkeys

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Owl Babies read by Mrs Dalton

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Hooray for Hats- Miss Hester

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Superman join in everyone

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Sing along with Miss Craddock

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Friday 12th January. Welcome everybody back to school and a special welcome to all our new children. Everyone is settling into Dasiy Class really well. If you have a questions please just speak to a member of staff. Our Topic this half term I 'How many colours in a rainbow'? and the story to go with it is Brown Bear Brown Bear by Bill Martin. This week the children have been making bear face and they will soon appear up on the display board in the lobby for you to admire. 

Friday 26th Another busy week in Daisy Class. The children have been making yellow ducks this week to add to the red birds and brown bears that are in our topic story. Below are the brown bears and look great in our cloakroom we hope you like them. The childrens challenge at the moment is to put their own coats on. Please let your child practise at home too and if the manage it please let us know. Have a great weekend.

2nd February. Well a lovely dry week this week no rain hooray. The children want to be outside all the time at the moment which is great and a vital part of their learning at school. They have been trying out the balance bikes and some of the children are getting very skilled at whizzing round the playground. Climbing and slide in various styles has been popular too. Please make sure you put old clothes on for a day in Daisy Class as it does get messy. Always the sign of a good day. Our topic story animal this week has been blue horse and next week its all about the green frog. Look out for the lovely work up in the classroom,


9th February. Today as it is Chinese New Year at the weekend the children have made very ptetty pink  blossom trees. They have been playing with dragons and looking at all the lovely food familes share as a New Years feast. At story time we all looked at how one family prepare fpr new year and the fireworks dispaly was a bit hit.


Friday 16th February Half term break has come round quickly and we look forward to seeinig you all back in Daisy Class on Monday26th Febraury. We will still be working on our How many colours in a rainbow topic and the animal will be white dog. See you all soon.

March 8th  Wishing all our Mum's a very Happy Mothers Day.

Friday 15th A huge well done to all the children in Dasiy Class for your hard work on our Brown Bear display it looks great.

Friday 19th April. Welcome back to school everyone and a special welcome to our new children who have joined Daisy Class this term. Our topic this half term is all about The Farm. With this in mimd we have a farm coming to visit on Wednesday 24th. The farm comes every year and bring alongs a range of animal suitable for the children to pet if they want to. Please come had see us if you have an questions and  let a staff menber know if your child has any allergies.

Friday 26th April. The children had a lovely time with the farm animals on Wednesday. Everyone was very brave and had a go at stroking the animals gently. I have put one photos up in the garden please feel free to come and have alook when you pick your child up. The children have started to learn the new song Cows in the kitchen that goes with our topic and have made some lovely cow models this week. 

Friday May 3rd. Well the weather today is certainly correct for our animal choice this week. Its has been all about ducks. The children have made hand print ducks and have also been cutting out ducks to stick on a pond. They then had to count them so practised some maths skills too. I have put their work up as a display in the classroom so you are very welcome to come and have a look.  Next week I will be handing out an invitation to you all for sports day. It is a little way off but thought you can put the date in your diary. 


Friday 10th June   As this is supposed to be the summer term and a bit warmer Sports Day is just round the corner. It will take place on Wednesday 3rd July. Invitations have been passed on to you all with the time either morning or afternoon depending on wether you have children in nursery or reception as well . Any questions just ask a menber of staff. Also if your child is moving up to Poppy Class there is a chance to look round the room and meets the staff after school on Thursday June 20th.
