Pre-School - Daisy
Take a virtual tour of our classroom!
Dear Zoo and Polar bear song
Mrs Dalton 5 little monkeys
Owl Babies read by Mrs Dalton
Hooray for Hats- Miss Hester
Superman join in everyone
Sing along with Miss Craddock
4th September Welcome back to school everyone and a big hello to all our new children joining us this term. Settling into school routine can take a little bit of time so please dont worry if there are a few tears in the morning there are lots of new things for the children to get used to and for some it is the first time away from parents. If you are at all worried about how your child has settled during their session you can call the school office and they will ring over to us to find out how things are. You can also speak to any member of Daisy Class staff at the end of the session.
Friday 6th September Well the end of the first week back and we have all survived. The children have been amazing and it has been lovely to see our older children helping the new ones to settle in. Thank you to you all for your help in dropping off your children with a quick goodbye I do understand how upsetting that can be having had a son who took a very long time to settle without me when he started school. I does get easier I promise. Next week we will start our topic for this half term Me and My Community with that in mind if possible can you bring in or send me a family photo to put up on our family board. Our story for the half term is Owl Babies always a favourite and can be found on youtube if you dont have a copy. Please if you have any questions just pop in and see me or any of the Daisy Class team.
Have a lovely weekend
Friday 13th September. Well another busy week in Dasiy Class and a lovely sunny day to end the week on. The children have been very busy showing us all the fantastic skills they have learnt at home with you. Painting has been very popular this week as has dancing. They all have some great moves. The children have all made a collage Owl this week to go on a classroom display which I will photograph and pop on this page once it has finished. There has been lots of building going on with a blocks and duplo knocking them down is always the best bit. For those of you using a funding code it is very important that you return your funding form with the code on it otherwise you will be charged for your sessions. If you have lost you form please just ask a member of staff for another one. Have a great weekend
Friday 20th September The children have worked really hard this week and produced some wonderful work. The Owl display is finished and the photograph is attached. The feathers have been out and some amazing Owl babies have been made. They are displayed in the classroom so please come and have a look.
Please can you make sure that your childs bag contains a change of clothes as we anyb spare trousers/leggings in our cupboard
Many thanks
Monday 30th September Just a quick reminder please make sure if your child is in nappies that they have nappies wipes nappy sacks and some cream in the school bags. Also we do go out in all weathers so please make sure you put at least one spare change of clothes in their bag as well.we have a very very limited supply in school. Lots of children are still wearing canvas trainers and croc style sandels so their feet and are getting very wet, wellies are a great idea
Many thanks
Tuesday 8th October The children have been talking about the features on a face so we decided to make these crazy versions.
We hope you like them
25th October Well the end of a very lovely and busy half term. Next term we move on to talk about Autumn and all the great colours you can find. The story is called Squirrels Busy Day and as the title implies he is rushing around the woods and meets lots of friends.
Have a great half term the weather looks ok which is a plus . See you all back at school on November 4th.
Oh yes we hope you enjoyed the pumpkin cakes the children made.
8th November Daisy Class have worked very hard this week and produced some fantasic pieces of work for out Autumn topic and bonfire night. The bread stick sparklers went down very well and are definatley something nice and easy to do at home for a party if you want to know how we did them just pop in and ask a member of the team.
15th November This week our Autumn work has continued with some activities about Squirrels. Our topic story is about a very busy Squirrel so the children have made some 3d models of one. They are all in the tree on our display board in the classroom so please come and have a look if you want to. We are starting to plan Christmas events so our Christmas performance will be on Thursday 12th December in the morning and again in the afternoon. If your child does not usually attend that day they will be invited to join the rest of Daisy for the afternoon performance. I will confirm the times next week. If you have any questions please ask a member of the team
Friday 6th December. The children have been making lots of lovely christmas crafts that will come home at the end of term. Please remeber to book your tickets for the Nativity concert on Thursday 12th. Christmas jumper day is Monday 16th and a special visitor may be popping in as well.
10th January Welcome back to school and hello to all our new families. The children have settled back into school really well and if there are a few tears that will soon pass. As we move further into the winter months outside play can get messy so please feel free to send named wellies in for them to wear outside and only put them in very old clothes.
Our topic this half term is 'How many colours in a Rainbow' and the song we will do daily is 'Teddy Bear Teddy Bear turn around'. The children have made some fantastic bear faces this week and are very proud of their work. Their work is up in the classroom please come and have a look.
Monday 13th January - This week we have been looking at the story Brown bear brown bear. We made bear biscuits and we are very excited to take them home to show you!
Friday 17th January Hi everyone. The children have been very busy this week and after making their lovely brown bear biscuits they have made a bear sewing which some will bring home and some are up on the wall in the classroom for a while. Keeping up with our colour theme next week its red and yellow and in the story Brown Bear that means red bird and yellow duck so lets see what they will make next. Have a lovely weekend.
Friday 24th Well at last some sunshine to end the week! The children have really enjoyed having a go with the scissors this week. This is a new skill for most of them and takes time and lots of practise to master so and early start is great. Sharing simple board games has been another highlight so not only have they been learning lots of new vocabulary but also waiting for their turn which can prove tricky. Next weeks colours are blue and green from our story another busy week ahead
have a lovely weekend