Year 1 - Clover
Welcome to Clover Class - September 2024
Please keep looking at our class page for information and ideas. Parents, if you need to talk to me please email me on the class email address
Mrs Gray
General Class Information
- Class Teacher: Mrs Gray
- Other adults in Clover class: Miss Venables Mr Pope Mrs Hussain
- PE is on Monday and Wednesday (Please ensure correct PE kit is worn)
- English homework:
- Daily reading.
- Please read as often as you can with your child - anything and everything! When your hear your child read please record this in their reading record.
- Booklets - We have a selection of work booklets that will be sent home on a Friday. Please complete and return to school on Monday.
- Spellings - Try reading and writing the 5 words given. Remember look, say, cover, write, check.
- Maths booklet - Please complete the pages set and return on Monday
- Please remember that water bottles should only contain water
Additional useful documents:
On E-Safety day, Clover Class talked lots about how to have fun and stay safe online. We created and agreed to our own Acceptable Use Policy:
- I will use what I have learned about e-safety to keep myself safe.
- I will tell an adult I trust if something makes me worried or unhappy.
- I will tell an adult if people I don’t know try to message me.
- I will not open or download anything without checking with an adult.
- I will only go on websites that I have checked with an adult.
- I will look after computer equipment and treat it with care.
- I will tell an adult straight away if something is broken or not working properly.
- I will never share my personal details such as my password or where I live on-line.
- I will use friendly words and be polite.
- I will remember my e-safety rules at home and at school.
For more information about how to help your child at home, please visit our Key Stage One Curriculum page: