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Year 3 - Beech

Dear Beech Class,

Welcome to our class page! I'm extremely excited for the year ahead and I can’t wait to get to know each and every one of you! I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 4th September! 



Miss Muskett laugh


Some helpful information!


Class Teacher:  Miss Muskett

Other adults:  Miss Venables and Mrs Yeowell 



If you would like to contact me, please use the class email below (this is for both parents and children). I love to see what you have been getting up to! 



Water bottles:

Please bring your water bottle every day and take it home every evening. Water can be accessed during lessons at all times (the children will be aware that this should not interrupt their listening and completion of tasks/activities) and can be used at lunchtimes.



This term, Beech's P.E. will be on Tuesday (Indoor) and Thursday (outdoor) afternoons. On these P.E. days, children must come to school in their P.E. kit. Please ensure correct Balliol P.E. kit is worn and, in colder weather, that warm long-legged and long-sleeved clothing is provided, alongside appropriate footwear. 



If you would like to find out more about what we have been doing in French with Madame Kaler, watch useful videos or find more information about challenges that she has set you, you can find all this here:


The School App 

We use this to send home important information and to keep you up to date.  Please consider downloading this (if you do not already have it) so that you don't miss anything important.  



We appreciate and thank you for all the support you give to the children in relation to their home learning.  Below is what we hope is useful information for you to continue with this support.


Reading: Children will have a reading book to take home to share and read with you. They will be able to change these throughout the week, Please listen to your child read as often as possible for 10-15 minutes at least 3-4 times a week. 


Spellings: Children will have new spellings every week with a dictation test on Fridays. Spellings will of course be available on this class page so please encourage your child to practise at home regularly too! 


Times tables: these help with so many areas of maths; please encourage your child to practise 10-15 minutes every day. (TT Rockstars) 


MyMaths: All usernames and passwords can be found in reading record, please use MyMaths to further knowledge through games and complete tasks. 


Maths and English: We will continue to set children homework in their CGP SPAG and Maths books based on their learning from the week. This will be set on a Friday and expected back in the following week to be marked. The pages that children need to complete are listed on the inside of the front cover, please ensure children do not do more pages than this. 

No doubt over the past few months you've heard children (and maybe a few adults) talk about the latest Tik Tok challenges or their favourite celebrity's lockdown live stream.

Here are activity packs for parents and carers to deliver to their children to explore how children and young people can stay safe while live streaming. Click on the age group below.








Friday 14th June 

We had another visit from the not so small baby chicks today. We all had a cuddle and worked very hard on our Maths, while they were exploring the classroom. 




Billie The Dog 


Billie went on her first holiday. She had a wonderful time playing on the beach, especially in the sea. Billie also went on a train and a ferry!


Beech's Chicks 


We have been very responsible and have taken care of 12 chicken eggs in an incubator. We have been very patience too, waiting for them to hatch. On 7th May, 5 of them hatched. Miss Muskett brought them back into school so we could all have a cuddle. 

Lamb Visit - 22/3/24


Today, we had two special visitors come into Year 3 today. Their names were Buttercup and Daisy and they were only 2 days old. We enjoyed having cuddles and feeding them milk. 


Sign Language Week - March 2024 

We used our OAA skills to navigate and the BSL alphabet to work out what the missing words were. We also learnt how to spell our names using the BSL alphabet. 


World Book Day - Thursday 7th March 2024 


Today we had a lot of fun in Beech class. We created a book review from the book Peace on Earth by David Litchfield. Then we decorated biscuits to represent our love for the planet. We created wind chimes and friendship bracelets. 


E-Safety Day  - Together for a better internet

Today we spoke about e-safety rules, recapping the importance of staying safe online and looked at the PEGI rating of different websites and games. See below our rules for being online: 


E-safety Rules

  • Make sure it is a safe website.
  • Remember to go on suitable games for your age.
  • Remember not to click on any pop-ups
  • Check to see if the padlock and the ‘s’ is there in https
  • Only accept people that you know and have met in person.
  • Have adult supervision and permission
  • Ask an adult if unsure
  • Keep personal details PRIVATE!
  • Tell a trusted adult your passwords
  • Use an unique username

Tuesday 26th September : E-Safety Talk


We had a special visitor come in today to talk to us on how to be safe online. We went through the rules and made an avatar that followed them.   

Remembrance Artwork 


Maths Week 


Today, we explored tessellations and created our own. 
