Late/Absence Procedures
Unfortunately, a small number of health issues are pretty well ongoing. We would ask parents to ensure that children have tissues in school to avoid the spread of germs when children have minor coughs and colds. Please do not send your child back to school within 48 hours of sickness. If your child is absent for any reason please let the school know immediately, via phone call or letter.
Holiday Absences
The Headteachers and governing bodies of all Kempston schools have agreed that holidays during term time will not be authorised. Holiday absences in school time will not be authorised except in exceptional circumstances. Holiday forms are available from the school office and must be completed in advance, giving the reason for the exceptional circumstance. Unauthorised absences will be recorded on school reports and in some instances may lead to further action by the education welfare officer.
For children who need to take medicine during the school day there is an indemnity form which must be completed by parents. This gives permission for school staff to administer the medicine in line with the instructions detailed. In many cases, medicine can be given outside of school hours and we would ask parents to do this wherever possible. Please seek advice from your doctor if you are unsure.
Accidents in School
If your child has a minor accident in school she or he will be cared for by one of our trained First Aiders. All accidents are investigated and recorded where treatment has been given. Our policy is always to notify parents if an accident has occurred, especially where there has been a bump to the head.
School Nurse Visits
The school nurse is often in school and may wish to talk to you about your child’s health. We share information with the school nurse and she may contact you directly to discuss your child. If you do not wish your contact details to be passed to the school nurse please let Mrs Griffin, our office manager know.