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E-safety in Lavender class


Lavender Class Acceptable Use Policy

  1. Ask an adult to stay with you and help to keep you safe.
  2. Keep water bottles far away from computers.
  3. Use the laptops, computers and tablets gently and carefully.
  4. Only talk to people you know in real life. Strangers are not always nice!
  5. Never share things about your life such as where you live or your phone number.
  6. Use nice words and be polite. Leave nice comments to make the readers happy.
  7. Only play on things that are okay for your age.
  8. Tell an adult if you see anything that makes you feel weird.
  9. Keep passwords a secret.
  10. Be smart! You need to remember your e-safety rules at home and at school.

Lavender acceptable use policy as a video

Still image for this video
Filmed using a voice changer and the tellagami app

E-Safety Song

Still image for this video
Use this song to help you remember your e-safety rules.

Morfo - If tech could talk.mp4

Still image for this video

ForFor more information about e-safety, please visit our e-safety school page:

Please click here to return to the main Lavender class page:
