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Year 5 Home Learning

Thursday 2nd March


Please work through the PowerPoint or watch the video lesson and complete the worksheet on a piece of paper or in a notebook. 

y5_spring_block_3_ts14_percentages_as_decimals (720p).mp4

Still image for this video



Please read through the rest of the story 'Grandad's Secret Giant', using the online version below. Today, you are going to write another diary entry that contrasts the diary entry we did together in school. Think about how the giant now feels at the end of the story and include high-level vocabulary to describe the emotions of how you (the giant) are feeling. 

You can complete this on a piece of paper or email it to the class emails. 






World Book Day 


Join the BBC Live World Book Day lesson at 11am with your favourite "Chocolate Cake" poet, Michael Rosen. 



Complete a spelling menu activity for the CEWs. 

Friday 3rd March


Please work through the PowerPoint or watch the video lesson and complete the worksheet on a piece of paper or in a notebook. 

y5_spring_block_3_ts15_equivalent_fractions,_decimals_and_percentages (720p).mp4

Still image for this video



Screen 1 - Natural Curriculum


Click on the link above to access your English lesson for today. Have a look through the Learning Objectives, The Grammar Bit, Whiteboard Challenges and the Writing Ideas. 

Follow the instructions on the website and have a pen or pencil ready to write down your work!


Other Tasks

  • Reading
  • TTRS
  • My Maths (catch up tasks and games)


If you still have your homework books, make a start on next week's homework!

Falcon - English pages 88 and 89 / Maths pages 40 and 41

Kingfisher - 
