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Website Accessibility

Balliol is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, including those with sight, audio and motor impairment restrictions. If you use assistive technology, handheld devices or standard web browsers and find that the format of any material on our websites interferes with your ability to access information, please contact us and we will do our best to resolve the problem or provide the information in an alternative format. For more information about website accessibility, you can visit the BBC's My Web My Way website, which provides help and information for users and designers

Balliol Primary School Website Accessibility:


How to Alter the Font Size

You can increase or decrease the font size on the website by using the "font size" feature that is built into most modern web browsers.

  • To increase the font size, hold down the ctrl button (or cmd on an Apple Mac) and press +
  • To decrease the font size, hold down the ctrl button (or cmd on an Apple Mac) and press -



Certain pages are available from every single page on the website.The site has been developed using headings, paragraphs, lists and other HTML (HyperText Markup Language) to create a logical document structure. Alternative to scripts or other controls which rely on client device capability have been provided.



Where possible, all hyperlinks use descriptive and meaningful text as a call to action. A written style that is straightforward and understandable has been employed throughout the site.



A standard layout and navigation structure is maintained throughout the site to allow for ease of use.


Screen settings

In accordance with current browser display statistics, this website has been designed for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. The resolution is the number of pixels or dots in an image. If you are viewing this website on a lower resolution screen such as 800 x 600 pixels, the text and images will look larger, and horizontal scroll bars will appear.


Browser compatibility

This website has been designed to work with the following browsers. If you are experiencing issues with the website it is recommended that you install the latest version of the browser.

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Google Chrome

Later versions of these browsers should continue to be compatible.


Mobile technology

This website has been tested for use on mobile devices.
